Mariko Michasiw
B2E Program Manager,
Mariko Michasiw is a sustainability and energy professional with nearly a decade of experience transforming municipal buildings, increasing energy-efficiency and reducing operational greenhouse gas emissions. As a Certified Energy Manager, she has experience planning and managing capital projects and has a keen understanding of the real-life challenges and opportunities related to building electrification in the commercial and residential sectors. In her current role at the Metro Vancouver Zero Emissions Innovation Centre, Mariko manages the programming of Canada’s first building electrification coalition, B2E. Since its launch in September 2021, many high-profile BC-based and national organizations representing a broad cross-section of stakeholder groups have joined the B2E community.
07-Sep-2024MEGA TheatreNow We’re Cooking Without Gas - exploring induction cooking
08-Sep-2024GIGA TheatreReducing your energy bills